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Titillature: The Rambling, Erotic Musings of a Redhead

My readers always make me feel like a best-selling author of erotica.

It’s a guilty pleasure knowing that the words flowing out of my mind, through my fingers, and onto the screen produce a certain titillation that keeps readers coming back for more. That feeling of turning a person on with my decadent imagination is powerf...

Caught Looking Chapter Six-Summer Ends (Part Two)

As the evening air cools, the action gets hotter and moves indoors to the Red and Blue Bedrooms.

The ‘Hot Tub Warming Party’ at the beach house had reached a fever pitch. However, it was late summer, and the sun was going down. The evening temperature was cooling, so some guests had moved their play inside Kris’s large home. Kai, Kwan, Jill, and I we...

Sex Therapy: Session Five

Lexi made a mistake. Or did she?

SESSION FIVE Lexi couldn’t get comfortable. Her mind raced as she waited in the plush chair, wringing her hands. Was she really going through with this? How did it even come to this point? Why did she agree to come here in the first place? As much as she...

My Cuckold Life – Ep 1 The Cuckold

The life and experience of a cuckold family.

6:30 am: The alarm on my cell phone began a soft buzz and the ambient blue light filled the small space next to my bed. As I shook off the night’s sleep, it occurred to me that it was Sunday. I glance out the small attic window above my bed to see the sun...

Only One Bed, Part 7: Emma and Nolan Go All The Way

Emma finds her confidence to seal the deal with Nolan.

“I’ve decided you’re right, Zoya.” Emma was walking arm-in-arm with her friend on the beach. The rain had finally cleared up, and the four of them were walking back to the hotel from the beachfront taco stand where they’d had dinner. “Naturally,” Zoya gri...

I slept surprisingly well and woke to find all three girls already up. I could hear them in my ensuite, showering and laughing. I waited in bed until the water stopped and they all trooped out wrapped in towels. After showering, I found them in the kitche...

The Pianist

Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music.

I had a dream once, but dreamers must eat. Caged in this grand salon of marble and chandeliers, the air is warm and cloying with a hint of petunias, and the palm tree fronds shine a deep, verdant green. I should be outside to feel the caress of a summer b...

Cum On My Glasses! Chapters 4 & 5

College student finds himself torn between two very different lovers

I was tied up with school work for the next few days, but before long Friday rolled around, and my dinner date with Mary Sue Henderson. We had decided to go to Rocco's Tacos. I waited for her in the dorm lobby, which connects the men's and women's towers....

The Libertine Cruise - Part IX

On the cruise liner there are many fetish rooms - one of them is called the Roulette Bed room

Sitting down with Josh waiting for drinks, they began looking through the cruise ship guide that had been given out at reception. It was a layout of the ship with specific attention to the passenger areas, restaurants, shops, and entertainment. The top de...

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Booty Call Before Last Call

A quiet, relaxing evening over a few drinks takes a hard turn...

I’d been horny even before we’d gone out that night, and now, perched at the bar on my tall barstool alongside my husband, with the better part of two Long Island iced teas in me, my inhibitions were about as low as my arousal was high. Accordingly, when...

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Sliding Sideways

Quentin is Sliding Sideways through space and time

“It’s like I’m sliding sideways through time and space,” Quentin explained to Vivienne. “You might have seen that movie with Gwyneth Paltrow, or maybe, in this continuum, Renee Zellweger: Sliding Doors. Only for me, it’s all the time. The way I understand...

My soul forever etched the night we metthe two of us entwined as oneNaked in Mississippi moonlightto this day, the forefront of my thoughts One of those instants in time I would sell my soul to return I can clearly see the visionmy white and blemished ski...


The start of a saga of wartime love

Elizabeth Fleming told me some of this story in the years before she died, aged eighty, in 2010. The more graphic scenes are mine but the emotions and surrounding history are hers. She was my Great Aunt, great in so many ways for she was the third family...

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